Classic Mode

  • Testing process is divided into stages and rounds;
  • In each round, you are offered two random options participating in the stage;
  • When you choose one of the options, it moves on to the next stage, while its opponent is eliminated;
  • A new stage begins when all the options in the current stage have been reviewed, leaving only half;
  • Thus, each stage eliminates half of the options until only one remains - the winner;
  • Each choice you make affects the overall statistics of the option. Victories having a stronger impact;

Tournament - King of the Hill

  • Testing process is divided into rounds;
  • In each round, you are offered two random options;
  • When you choose one, it advances to the next round, while its opponent is eliminated;
  • The winning option then faces a new opponent;
  • After all choices have been made, the last option standing is declared the winner;
  • Each choice you make affects the overall statistics of the option. Victories having a stronger impact;